2022 NH Jewish Film Festival
Upheaval: The Journey of Menachem Begin
NH Premiere
Presented in Partnership with the JFNH Israel Enrichment and Education Committee
Virtual only
Available Thursday, March 31 – Sunday, April 10
48-hour viewing window after unlock
Post Film Discussion with Director Jonathan Gruber, moderated by Dr. Richard England, JFNH Israel Engagement and Education Committee
Tuesday, April 5, 7:00 PM
Admission: $12/household
Director: Jonathan Gruber
Documentary, 2020, USA
87 minutes
Imprisoned by the Soviets. Orphaned by the Holocaust. Elected Prime Minister. Crowned peacemaker by the Nobel Prize Committee. Disgraced by the Lebanon War. Menachem Begin was a pillar of the State of Israel and a tireless fighter for the Jewish people. He was, at the same time, a controversial leader. With evocative imagery, rarely seen archival materials, and revealing interviews with those who knew him, Upheaval portrays the life and essence of this brilliant, tough, complex, loving, and proud man who never compromised when the survival of Israel and the Jewish people were at stake.
Selection: Atlanta Jewish Film Festival 2022, Heartland International Film Festival 2020, Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival 2021, Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival 2022

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